Roles & Responsibilities of Session Participants


  • Mobilizes presenters around a particular topic.
  • Is not required to be a member.
  • Is the main point of contact, even when there is a co-chair.
  • Will ensure program proposal and speaker abstracts (not an option for round tables) are complete and submitted by the deadline. Will finalize the submission once all speakers have submitted their abstracts and Financial Disclosures.
  • Confirm speakers have not already been invited to speak in another session.
  • Inform all participants that RSA does not provide funding for the meeting, including registration.
  • Upon approval, inform all participants of the approval and talk time limits.
  • Upon approval, remind participants of the requirement to register for the meeting, as per the Affirmation of Assurance submitted with the program proposal.
  • Will collect all presentations (PowerPoint only) and bring them to the assigned meeting room 10 minutes prior to session start time for loading onto one computer.  There will be a Speaker Ready room for preview purposes.
  • Moderates the session and introduces the presenters.
  • Will ensure presenters adhere to the strict timelines outlined in the meeting program.
  • Will conclude the session on time.
  • Does not submit a speaker abstract (unless also giving a talk in a speaker time-slot).
  • Presents a brief overview of the topic – they should receive copies of the presentations in advance to prepare comments.
  • Explains how the presentations will be cohesive. 

 Questions’ Moderator / Discussant* (no slides allowed):

  • Fields questions from the audience.
  • Is responsible for highlighting the relationship between the presentations and overall topic. They should receive copies of the speaker abstracts in advance of the meeting to prepare comments.
  • Will raise critical issues for both the presenters and the audience to consider.
  • Does not submit a speaker abstract (unless also giving a talk in a speaker time-slot).


*Workshops and Round Tables have Moderated Open Discussion.