Lecture Series Committee



“The mission of the Lecture Series Ad-Hoc Committee is to provide educational materials to the public, RSA members, healthcare professionals, policy makers, those in the legal profession, and others who have interests in alcohol from a health and societal perspective through publicly available resources.”

Roles and Responsibilities:

  • Recruit a diverse population of scientific speakers that reflect the educational needs of the RSA and the public at large.
  • Record, edit, and caption lectures by those speakers for professional and public view.
  • Publicize the content effectively to the RSA membership, targeted professional audiences, and the public.
  • If and when suitable opportunities arise, organize in-person events for the lecture series.


Meet the Committee

Sara Blaine


Auburn University

Graeme Mason


Yale University School of Medicine

Elizabeth Glover


University of Illinois at Chicago

Patrick Mulholland


Medical University of South Carolina


  1. The committee will consist of a Chair and of 5-7 members, with a minimum of 5. In consultation with the committee, the Chair will designate a Chair Elect ideally at least one year in advance of the Chair’s move to Past Chair for a 1-year term.  The decision to grow to 7 members will be made by a decision of the initial 5, depending on the distribution of labor.  The committee membership will strive to represent the diversity of the RSA membership, with regard to research area, animal species used in their research, career level, underrepresented minority status, and gender. 
  1. One committee member will be a Chair and another member will be a Co-Chair who will rotate to Chair when the current Chair becomes Past Chair for a 1-year term. 
  1. The terms will be 3 years, renewable once.