Regular Member: $210 Annual Dues
Persons holding a PhD, MS, MD or equivalent degree who are engaged or interested in research in alcohol use and/or alcohol-related problems (including active alcohol researchers or those who are actively involved in alcohol research administration). A subscription to Alcohol: Clinical and Experimental Research (“the Journal”) is mandatory and included in annual dues. Active members may vote in Society elections, be a voting member of and chair committees, and may hold elected office. A one-time $25 initiation fee is applicable for new members.
Postdoctoral Member: $80 Annual Dues
Fellows, no more than four (4) years past their terminal degree, who are engaged or interested in research in alcohol use and/or alcohol-related problems. A subscription to Alcohol: Clinical and Experimental Research (“the Journal”) is mandatory and included in annual dues. Active members may vote in Society elections and serve on committees.
Student Member: $20 Annual Dues
Persons enrolled in under-graduate or graduate programs and engaged in alcohol-related research. A subscription to Alcohol: Clinical and Experimental Research (“the Journal”) is optional at a discounted rate for an additional $60. Student Members shall have such privileges as may be specifically prescribed from time to time by the Board, except they shall not have the right to vote in Society elections or hold elected office.
Associate Member: $40 Annual Dues
Associate members shall be individuals who, although not research scientists, have made contributions in the area of alcohol research, prevention and treatment. A subscription to Alcohol: Clinical and Experimental Research (“the Journal”) is optional at an additional $110. Associate Members shall not have the right to vote in Society elections or hold elected office. If you are an active alcohol researcher or actively involved in alcohol research administration, then you need to apply as a Regular Member.
Dual Member: $50 Annual Dues
Dual membership is available for couples who are both Active 'Regular' or 'Postdoctoral' Members. One individual pays the full membership rate; the other individual has the 'Dual' membership status and pays a discounted rate.
Emeritus Member: No Annual Dues
Emeritus members pay no annual dues. Emeritus status is available to Active Members of not less than 5 years standing who have retired from their professional duties. Emeritus members retain all the rights and privileges of the membership class from which they transferred, but are not eligible to serve as Chairs of committees, officers or members of the Board of Directors. A subscription to Alcohol: Clinical and Experimental Research (“the Journal”) is optional at $110.
Reinstatement Fees - $50 per year (up to 3 years) is applicable for any lapse in Regular membership renewal. A $15 per year (up to 3 years) is applicable for any lapse in Associate, Postdoctoral or Student membership renewal.