
RSA NEWS - Distributed to our membership:

06-23-2024    Dr. Koob's NIAAA Update at RSA Conference (2024 NIAAA Update)

06-25-2023    Dr. Koob's NIAAA Update at RSA Conference (2023 NIAAA Update)

06-26-2022    Dr. Koob's NIAAA Update at RSA Conference (2022 NIAAA Update)

06-23-2021    New Diversity Awards - Nadia Chaudhri Rising Scholars Awards (Nadia Chaudhri's Video)

06-20-2021    Dr.  Koob's NIAAA Update at RSA/ISBRA Conference (2021 Update Video)

06-15-2021    Dr.  Koob's NIAAA State of the Science: Update (2021 Update)

07-06-2020    Members' Diversity - Be Counted! (Members - Be Counted)

06-24-2020    Dr. Koob's NIAAA Presentation at (Virtual) RSA 2020 (NIAAA Update and 50th Anniversary)

05-01-2020    RSA request to House Leadership -- "coronavirus stimulus bill for medical research" (RSA Request to House Leadership)

06-24-2019    Dr. Koob's NIAAA Presentation at RSA 2019 (NIAAA Update)

05-31-2019    RSA White Paper - May, 2019 (RSA White Paper)

02-04-2019    RSA Position on Binary Gender Definition (Binary Gender Definition)

06-16-2018     Dr. Koob's NIAAA Presentation at RSA 2018 (NIAAA Update)  

07-20-2017     FY 2018 - National Institues of Health Funding (FY 2018 - National Institutes of Health Funding)

07-07-2017     Dr. Koob's NIAAA Presentation at RSA 2017 (Koob NIAAA Presentation)

11-02-2016     RSA Diversity Committee Survey Report (DiversitySurveyReport)

07-21-2016     RSA e-NEWS on Appropriations NIH FY 2017 (Appropriations NIH FY 2017)