Poster Abstract Instructions


* Indicates a required field.

Step 1 – Terminology Affirmation*:
Indicate your affirmation to adhere to the guidelines regarding the use of addiction terminology.  Click for more details:

Step 2 – Presentation Affirmation*:
Indicate your affirmation that, if accepted, the individual indicated as 'Presenter' will register for the RSA meeting.

Step 3 – Membership Status*:
Select yes, no or pending as appropriate.  Pending is only for those who have already submitted a membership application. If a non-member, name the RSA Member endorser of your abstract (as required) in the next field.

Step 4 – Status*:
Select appropriate status from available options (Undergraduate, Student, Jr. Investigator, Sr. Investigator).

Step 5 – Gender*:
Select desired answer option.

Step 6 – Race*:
Select desired answer option(s).

Step 7 – Ethnicity*:
Select desired answer option.

Step 8 – Additional Diversity Demographics:
Respond YES if applicable.

Step 9 – Poster Category*:
Select appropriate Category from pull-down menu.

Step 10 – Poster Category – Second Choice*:
Select appropriate Category from pull-down menu.

Step 11 – Principal Author Affirmation*:
Select “Yes, I affirm”.

Step 12 – All Author Affirmation*:
Select “Yes, I affirm”.

Step 13 – Sponsored Research*:
Select “Yes” if research is sponsored by a for-profit corporation (or foundation of a for-profit corporation), otherwise select “No”.

Step 14 – Sponsored Research Name:
If you answered “Yes” above, enter name of sponsor.  May be noted for additional review to determine if appropriate to accept.

Step 15 – Diversity in Topic*:
Select appropriate response.

Step 16 – Title*:
Enter title of abstract in ALL CAPS – max word count is 22 words.

Step 17 – Authors*:
List authors by first initial(s) and last name (i.e., J. Doe, MA Smith).  Max word count is 35 words.

Step 18 – Affiliation(s)*:
Enter the Affiliation where work was done; not for each author.  Format as Affiliation, Department, City, State, Zip/Postal Code, Country.  Max word count is 35 words.

Step 19 – Abstract*:

ABSTRACT FORMAT: Abstracts (alcohol research required) should be complete abstracts including purpose, methods, data, results, conclusions.

Title – should be entered in all CAPS (22 max word count).
Authors – should be entered as first initial(s) and full last name. (35 max word count).
Affiliation(s) – should be entered as Affiliation, Department, City, State, Zip and Country.  (35 max word count).
Body of Abstract (360 max word count).
NOTE: If you paste text more than the MAX 360 words, your text will be truncated.


  a. state purpose of the study, if not given in the title
  b. give a brief statement of methods used, if pertinent
  c. summarize the results obtained
  d. include a statement about the conclusion reached.


It is not acceptable to write: "results will be discussed".  Tables, graphs and/or charts are not allowed. Also, avoid citing sources in your abstract. There are two reasons for this: The abstract should focus on your original research, not on the work of others. The abstract should be self-contained and fully understandable without reference to other sources or future studies reference(s).

Step 20 – Submit Abstract*:
Review all data to be submitted and click on the ‘Submit Abstract’ button when ready to submit.  Upon submission, a message window will appear that says:
     GREAT!  Your Abstract has been submitted.  The submission has been assigned ID # xxx.  You will receive a confirmation email.
You may now use the menu to further update submission -- either Add Author (blue box) or skip.