Program Proposal Instructions

Program Proposal Instructions


Program Proposal Submission (should be the Organizer):

*indicates a required field

Step 1 – Submission Type*:
Indicate you are submitting a Program proposal by clicking on the ‘Program Proposal’ button.

Step 2 – Terminology Affirmation*:
Indicate your affirmation to adhere to the guidelines regarding the use of addiction terminology.  Click for more details:  

Step 3 – Industry Sponsorship:
Indicate Industry Sponsorship, if applicable.

Step 4 – Organizer 1 – Main Contact*:
Indicate the organizer of the proposal.  You must either select the individual from an established profile in the database or create a profile (add contact) for that individual.

Step 5 – Status - Organizer 1*:
Select the appropriate status for the Organizer.

Step 6 – Gender - Organizer 1*:
Select desired answer option for the Organizer.

Step 7 – Race - Organizer 1*:
Select desired answer option(s) for the Organizer.

Step 8 – Ethnicity - Organizer 1*:
Select desired answer option for the Organizer.

Step 9 – Additional Diversity Demographics - Organizer 1:
Respond YES if applicable for the Organizer.

Step 10 – Organizer 2 (Co-Organizer):
Indicate a co-organizer, if applicable.  You must either select the individual from an established profile in the database or create a profile (add contact) for that individual.

Step 11 – Status - Organizer 2:
Select the appropriate status for the Co-Organizer.

Step 12 – Chair 1*:
Indicate a chair person, required.  You must either select the individual from an established profile in the database or create a profile (add contact) for that individual.

Step 13 – Chair 2 (Co-Chair):
Indicate a co-chair, if applicable.  You must either select the individual from an established profile in the database or create a profile (add contact) for that individual.

Step 14 – Highlights Diversity*:
Select the appropriate answer option as to whether the proposal highlights diversity including, but not limited to gender, ethnicity, additional diversity-related characteristics, geographical, career level in regard to content, participants or both.

Step 15 – Title*:
Enter title of proposal in ALL CAPS – max word count is 22 words.

Step 16 – Diversity in Topic*:
Select appropriate response.

Step 17 – Keywords*:
Enter three (3) keywords.

Step 18 – Learning Objectives*:
Enter three (3) learning objectives, in list format, be specific.

Step 19 – Program Theme*:
Select appropriate Proposal Theme from pull-down menu.

Step 20 – Proposal Category*:
Select appropriate Program Category from pull-down menu.

Step 21 – Program Format*:
Select one of the three available formats.

Step 22 – Letter of Assurance*:
A letter indicating all participants have been informed that, if proposal is accepted, they are required to register for the meeting.

Step 23 – Introduction*:
Enter the name, affiliation/institute, city/state/country and email address of individual for the role of Introduction.

Step 24 – Questions Moderator - Discussant*:
Enter the name, affiliation/institute, city/state/country and email address of individual for the role of Questions Moderator/Discussant.

Step 25 – Speaker 1 – First Name Last Name*:
Enter the name (first last) of the 1st speaker.

Step 26 – Speaker 1 – Title of Talk (Abstract Title)*:
Enter the title of the 1st presentation.  Max word count is 22 words.

Step 27 – Speaker 2 – First Name Last Name*:
Enter the name (first last) of the 2nd speaker.

Step 28 – Speaker 2 – Title of Talk (Abstract Title)*:
Enter the title of the 2nd presentation.  Max word count is 22 words.

Step 29 – Speaker 3 – First Name Last Name*:
Enter the name (first last) of the 3rd speaker.

Step 30 – Speaker 3 – Title of Talk (Abstract Title)*:
Enter the title of the 3rd presentation.  Max word count is 22 words.

Step 31 – Speaker 4 – First Name Last Name*:
Enter the name (first last) of the 4th speaker.  For 3-speaker Workshops, just enter N/A.

Step 32 – Speaker 4 – Title of Talk (Abstract Title)*:
Enter the title of the 4th presentation.  Max word count is 22 words.  For 3-speaker Workshops, just enter N/A.

Step 33 – Program Proposal*:
Enter the proposal as indicated below (925 max word count).

CAUTION - If you use Copy & Paste and your proposal exceeds 925 words, it will automatically be truncated.

RATIONALE AND CONTENT: (text in lower case)  This should include the bulk of your proposal description.
PRESENTATION 1 – TITLE AND SPEAKER’S NAME: very brief description, not full speaker abstract.
PRESENTATION 2 – TITLE AND SPEAKER’S NAME: very brief description, not full speaker abstract.
PRESENTATION 3 – TITLE AND SPEAKER’S NAME: very brief description, not full speaker abstract.
PRESENTATION 4 – TITLE AND SPEAKER’S NAME: very brief description, not full speaker abstract.

Step 34 – Submit Proposal / Abstract*:
Review all data to be submitted and click on the ‘Submit Abstract’ button when ready to submit.  Upon submission, a message window will appear that says:
     GREAT!  Your Proposal or Speaker Abstract has been submitted.  The submission has been assigned ID # xxx.  You will receive a confirmation email.
You may now use the menu to further update submission -- either Add Author (blue box) or skip.